Trophies list

Accountants’ Trophy for the accountancy team raising the most money

Clarke Willmott Trophy for the legal team raising the most money

The Mason’s Arms Trophy for the over sixties team raising the most money

The Hilary Smith Trophy for the medical team raising the most money

Soroptimist Family Cup for the family team raising the most money

Taunton Chamber of Commerce Trophy for the Chamber members team swimming the most laps

Taunton & Somerset NHS Trust Trophy for the trust team swimming the most laps

NHS Somerset Trophy for the NHS team swimming the most laps

Soroptimist Millennium Trophy for Youth for the under 18’s team swimming the most laps

HSBC Bank Trophy for the bank team swimming the most laps

Taunton Times Family Cup for the family team swimming the most laps

Adrian Nicholson Strongvox Trophy for the under 13’s team swimming the most laps

Taunton School Junior Trophy for the primary school team swimming the most laps

Taunton School Senior Trophy for the secondary school team swimming the most laps

SI Team with a Theme Trophy for the team with the best theme